Why We Aren’t Quarantining or Masking Our Elf on the Shelf

I know, I know. It’s a touchy subject, but it’s something we felt very strong about this year.

We absolutely refuse to mask or Quarantine our Elf on the Shelf. While some might feel it’s cute or even funny to mask their Elf or put them in quarantine so they don’t have to move them for two weeks, our theory was very different.

Children need something NORMAL and FUN without any strings. Some kids look forward to their Elf every year. For some kids this might be the last year that they believe it’s a real thing. Why take that simple childhood joy away from them?

Let them be kids this Christmas.

(Side note: They aren’t human, so they don’t need masks anyway.)

This year has been one thing after another and we as parents can suck it up and let them have JUST THIS ONE THING that is completely normal. Right?

Absolutely, we can. We can take it a step further and make it the BEST CHRISTMAS with their ELF EVER.


With that said, we found some alternative accessories you can grab to make your Elf on the Shelf extra fun this year.

First, we have to put a plug in here for our newly released series which details how Santa gets all of the kids in the world on the Naughty or Nice list. Elle the Elf is available here. This is a read along book that your entire family can enjoy.

This embroidered Elf certificate might be one of the favorite things I have seen this year. We ordered one of these for our elf to come a little early this year and will also add our Elf Returns certificate in with it.

Elf hammock. I mean, everyone needs an elf hammock, right?

Elf shoes. Another adorable addition to the lineup of things we need this year.

These elf aprons are so cute. My cart is really, really loving the creativity this year on Etsy.

Elf backpacks. What an adorable way to deliver notes and other fun to the kids?

Let’s make Christmas amazing this year with a fun Elf on the Shelf.

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  1. I agree with you, and it was my oldest that made a good point of the elves fly back to Santa every night so they would have to quarantine the whole time

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