Mama’s Are Baking Bread And Might Never Go Back to Store Bought

Moms all over the world have started to baking bread – partially because they’re home and partially because there’s limits to how much bread you can buy or there’s simply none to be had.

I have to admit that I jumped on this bandwagon early and went to the local Amish store to stock up on yeast and nearly 40lbs of whole wheat and white flour back in February. We baked our first loaf that same week.

My first loaf didn’t completely go as planned. It was my first time using yeast and I didn’t realize that you had to rise for different times based on the type of yeast you had. As you can see, it ended up a little crisp, but the kids loved it and it was gone in minutes. Literally.

Baking Bread Isn’t Really All That Hard

You might remember a few years ago there was a rush to buy bread machines and people, for a while, make a lot of bread at home. The trend quickly died off (but I am sure bread machines will make a comeback soon!).

As soon as the pandemic hit the US, videos and tutorials from those few who have been doing it before now started to be reposted. New bread bakers were posting what worked for them. One of my friends recommended School of Traditional Skills, which seems more appealing now than ever.

You really can make due with what you have, but I do recommend that you grab these things if you don’t have them (the stand mixer is legit the last thing you need and you can ABSOLUTELY make bread without it).

My first bread came from this no knead recipe from Jenny Can Cook.

But, I really, really love Mary’s Nest – mostly because she smiles nonstop and her recipes seem simple.

If you’re not a video person, here’s a step by step guide to baking bread in a dutch oven.

You can make various types, including sourdough with just a taps in the Google search engine.

There’s a good chance your kiddos will love your new homemade bread and will never want you to buy it again.

What is The Number One Reason Mom’s Might Not Buy Store-Bought Again?

Kids. Seriously. Kids are LOVING that mom is making bread. It’s fresh and delicious, makes the house smell great and there are SO many recipes to try! Let’s add that getting to help mom make the bread is a lot of fun and memories of being in the kitchen are among the best!

Each of my kids has asked to take turns making bread. They love the excitement of lifting the towel to see how well it rose. I am sure that the next thing on our list of things to make will be either bagels or donuts.

Side note: If you haven’t seen Jennifer Garner’s bagel video on FB, you need to watch it. It really made me love her even more when she started reading to them. For fun, I have embedded it here:

You Can Make Your Own Butter Too

If you’re like the rest of us, butter is hard to come by too. These kiddos worked out some energy by helping their mama make some butter in a mason jar.

We would love to see what your bread looks like. Be sure to tag us on IG @MamaHuman so we can check out what you’re up to.

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