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Easy Fall Leaf Craft Ideas for Kids

The weather is changing and the leaves are about to turn. It’s my favorite time of the year, so rounding up some of the most amazing fall leaf craft ideas had to happen.

We have a wide range of kiddos – from teens to toddlers, so these ideas had to include everyone in one way or another.

Clay Leaf Bowls

Photo Credit Red Ted Art

These leaf bowls are one of my favorites, mostly because they are SUCH a keepsake.

You’ll need a few materials if you don’t have a kiln.

For full instructions, check out Red Ted Art.

Paper or Fake Leaf Bowl

This crafty leaf bowl is made with a balloon and some fake leaves. The kids will have SO much fun with this one!

You’ll need…

For full instructions, check out Craft Bits.

Leaf Print Art

This simple craft is great for all ages and could also be used for science. You literally only need a piece of paper, some leaves and crayons. You can get really creative with this project and make the leaves any color you can imagine.

Get full instructions here.

Pastel Leaf Art

This leaf art project is simple and fun for all ages. They used a printable leaf pattern to make this design, but I would add that using real leaves would be just as fun. Find some amazing leaves, grab some pastel chalk and head over to Projects with Kids to get the full instructions on how to make this.

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